Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More Babies

One of the cakes I created this weekend was a ladybug baby shower cake.  The mom-to-be purchased her bed linens at JCPenney.  I don't think it was a perfect match but it turned out well.

Babes and Babies

Two fun cakes this weekend, one for a lingerie shower and one for a baby shower.
For the lingerie shower, I made both a cake and cookies  There was an overall them of hearts but not the cutesy, lovey ones!  I used hearts as the base shape for the cake and the cookies but both we transformed into lingerie as evidenced by the pictures.  I had a fabulous time making these and will do so again in a heartbeat!
The second cake this weekend was for a baby shower. The host was very specific as to what she needed so there was not a lot of room for creativity.  The baby is a boy so green, blue and yellow were used.